Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mother's Day Treats

How could I not do sugar cookies and other cookies for my mom's!  I didn't really know what type of sugar cookies that I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to try a whole bunch. I also wanted to try hand painting them instead of piping multiple colors.  Overall they turned out pretty good being painted I might have to do it that way more often.
Drew on the cookie with a wilton food writer before painting the cute froggy green.

All iced in white and ready to be painted.

All together now!

These guys are my favorite!

Mint chocolate chip ice cream cone...YUM

Here the froggy is all painted and adorable!

Getting ready to package these for the mothers. There is also butter thumbs, lemonade cookies, and brownie turtle bites in here.  I wish I took a picture of the box they went in because it matched for mother's day so perfectly.

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